1995年至今在北卡羅來納州 東卡大學物理系任職教授;
1. J. Zhang, Y. Feng, W. Jiang, J.Q. Lu, Y. Sa, J. Ding, X. H. Hu, "Realistic optical cell modeling and diffraction imaging simulation for study of optical and morphological parameters of nucleus", Optics Express, 24, 366-377 (2016).(SCI)
2. W. Jiang, J.Q. Lu, L.V. Yang, Y. Sa, Y. Feng, J. Ding, X.H. Hu, "Comparison study of distinguishing cancerous and normal prostate epithelial cells by confocal and polarization diffraction imaging", Journal of Biomedical Optics, 21, 071102 (2016) .(SCI)
3. H. Wang, C. Jin, Y. Feng, D. Qi, Y. Sa, X.H. Hu, "Quantitative assessment of image motion blur in diffraction images of moving biological cells", Optical Engineering, 55, 023103 (2016) .(SCI)
4. X. Liang, M. Li, J. Q. Lu, C. Huang, Y. Feng, Y. Sa, J. Ding, X. H. Hu "Spectrophotometric determination of turbid optical parameters without using an integrating sphere", Applied Optics, 55, 2079-2085 (2016) .(SCI)
5. H. Wang, Y. Feng, Y. Sa, J.Q. Lu, J. Ding, J. Zhang, X.H. Hu, "Pattern recognition and classification of two cancer cell lines by diffraction imaging at multiple pixel distances", Pattern Recognition, 61, 234–244 (2017) .(SCI)
6. W. Wang, J. Liu, J.Q. Lu, J. Ding, X.H. Hu, " Resolving power of diffraction imaging with an objective: a numerical study", Optics Express, 25, 9628-9633 (2017) .(SCI)
7. J. Ding, X.H. Hu, "Application of metamorphic testing monitored by test adequacy in a Monte Carlo simulation program", Software Quality Journal, 25, 841-869 (2017) .(SCI)
8. Y. Wen, Z. Chen, J. Lu, E. Ables, J-L. Scemama, L.V. Yang, J.Q. Lu, X. H. Hu, "Quantitative analysis and comparison of 3D morphology between viable and apoptotic MCF-7 breast cancer cells and characterization of nuclear fragmentation", PLoS ONE, 12, e0184726 (2017) .(SCI)
9. P. Tian, C. Chen, J. Jin, H. Hong, J.Q. Lu, X.H. Hu, "Quantitative characterization of turbidity by radiative transfer based reflectance imaging", Biomedical Optics Express, 9, 2081-2094 (2018) .(SCI)
10. P. Tian, X. Chen, J. Jin, J.Q. Lu, X. Liang X.H. Hu, "Stochastic model for quantifying effect of surface roughness on light reflection by diffuse reflectance standards", Optical Engineering, 57, 094104 (2018) .(SCI)
11. W. Wang, Y. Wen, J.Q. Lu, L. Zhao, S.A. Al-Qaysi, X.H. Hu, "Rapid classification of micron-sized particles of sphere, cylinders and ellipsoids by diffraction image parameters combined with scattered light intensity", Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 244, 453-459 (2019) .(SCI)
12. S. Wang, J. Liu, J.Q. Lu, W. Wang, S.A. Al-Qaysi, Y. Xu, W. Jiang, X.H. Hu, "Development and evaluation of realistic optical cell models for rapid and label-free cell assay by diffraction imaging", Journal of Biophotonics, 12, e201800287 (2019) .(SCI)
13. J. Jin, J.Q. Lu, Y. Wen, P. Tian, X.H. Hu, "Deep learning of diffraction image patterns for accurate classification of five cell types",Journal of Biophotonics, 13, e201900242 (2020) .(SCI)
14. P. Tian, S.M. Mutisya. J. Jin, S. Zheng, J.Q. Lu, X.H. Hu, "Spectral determination of µa, µs and g from single and multiple scattering signals with one optically thick sample (Corrigendum included)", Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 245, 106868 (2020) .(SCI)
15. J. Liu, Y. Xu, W. Wang, Y. Wen, H. Hong, J.Q. Lu, P. Tian, X.H. Hu, "Machine learning of diffraction image patterns for accurate classification of cells modeled with different nuclear sizes", Journal of Biophotonics, 13, e202000036 (2020) .(SCI)
16. P. Tian, Y.Qin, L. Zhao, S.M. Mutisya. J. Jin, J.Q. Lu, X.H. Hu, "Multiparameter spectrophotometry platform for turbid sample measurement by robust solutions of radiative transfer problems", IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 70, 6003110 (2021) .(SCI)
17. J. Ding, X.H. Hu, V. Gudivada, "A Machine Learning Based Framework for Verification and Validation of Massive Scale Image Data", IEEE Transactions on Big Data, 7, 451-467 (2021) .(SCI)
19. X.H. Hu, "Treatment of Cutaneous Vascular and Pigmented Lesions", 5,586,981 (issued in December, 1996).(專利)
20. X.H. Hu, “Method and Apparatus For Spectrophotometric Characterization of Turbid Materials”, 7,920,252 (issued in January, 2011) .(專利)
21. X.H. Hu, C. Chen, “Methods and Systems for Optically Characterizing a Turbid Material Using a Structured Incident Beam”, 8,634,077 (issued in January, 2014) .(專利)
22. X.H. Hu, K. M. Jacobs, J.Q. Lu, “Flow Cytometer Apparatus for Three Dimensional Diffraction Imaging and Related Methods”, 9,013,692 (issued in April, 2015) .(專利)
23. B. Ferguson, X.H. Hu, C. Chen, “Methods, systems and computer program products for non-invasive determination of blood flow distribution using speckle imaging techniques and hemodynamic modeling”, 9,226,673 (issued in January, 2016) .(專利)
24. B. Ferguson, X.H. Hu, C. Chen, “Methods, Systems and Computer Program Products for Non-Invasive Determination of Blood Flow Distribution Using Speckle Imaging Techniques”, 9,271,658 (issued in March, 2016) .(專利)
25. “測量混濁介質及生物組織光學參數的光纖系統”,200710058593.7,發明人:胡新華
26. “測定包括混濁介質材料光學參數的光譜儀系統及方法”,200710059940.8,發明人:胡新華
27. “自動辯别微粒的衍射圖像測量分析系統及方法”,201010221714.7,發明人:董珂,胡新華
28. “測量流動微粒衍射圖像的時間延遲積分成像系統及方法”,201010612773.7,發明人:胡新華,馮遠明,馬玉祥 ,徐壽岩
29. “檢測腫瘤細胞的流動測量系統及分析和監測方法”,201110299529.4,發明人:馮遠明,胡新華
30. “一種用于實時高動态範圍成像數字相機裝置的方法”,201410794641, 發明人:胡新華,馬玉祥
以第一作者或通訊作者發表SCI論文122篇,文章他引次數2800餘次,發表特邀綜述文章5篇,作SPIE、OSA、AAMP等學術會議特邀報告21次,各項發明專利12項。2007年任Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS)學術會議生物醫學分會主席;2012年任IEEE學術會議主席。自2007年起擔任美國國家衛生院醫學成像專業組研究基金評委,2009年起擔任醫學物理雜志特邀編委并長期擔任OSA旗下期刊特約審稿人。