
​李 芬(博士)

發布時間:2023-10-13 來源: 作者: 浏覽數:
個人介紹 教學情況
科研項目 論著專利

2007 年畢業于吉首大學物理學專業,獲理學學士學位;
2009 年畢業于大連理工大學凝聚态物理專業,獲理學碩士學位;
2010 年起任職于中科院大連化學物理研究所 DNL1903 組;
2018 年畢業于大連理工大學凝聚态物理專業,獲理學博士學位;
2018 年起在澳门新葡萄新京從事物理學領域教學科研工作。
主講課程: 原子物理、計算物理、大學物理
2021 年指導學生參加湖南省大學生物理競賽獲得二等獎。
獲評 2022 年度遼甯省自然科學獎二等獎一項(第四完成人)。
1. 小尺寸輕質團簇、過渡金屬團簇催化劑抑制锂硫電池穿梭效應的理論研
究(12274121).國家自然科學基金委面上項目, 2023/01-2026.12 ,主持,在研。
2. 摻雜改性碳材料用于多硫化锂的捕獲及其轉化機理研究( 18A323 .
湖南省教育廳重點項目, 2019/01-2020.12 ,主持,結題。
3. 小尺寸硫分子正極材料用于高性能锂硫電池( 2020JJ5207 . 湖南省 科技廳自然科學基金青年項目, 2020/01-2022/12 ,主持,結題。
4. 新型多孔材料的原位摻雜( N B Li 等)設計、制備及催化儲氫機
理( 51101145 . 國家自然科學基金青年項目, 2012.01-2014.12 ,主持,結題。
5. 新型高容量儲氫材料的關鍵科學問題研究第三課題( 2010CB631303
973 國家重點基礎研究發展計劃項目, 2010.01-2014.8, 參與,結題。
6. TiO 2 納米管陣列 /CdS 量子點複合體系的制備與氣相光電導性能研究
18B358 . 湖南省教育廳青年項目, 2019/01-2020.12 ,參與,結題。
7. 高能輕質金屬複合材料推進劑創制、第一性原理模拟與熱化學研究
KFJJ13-12M . 北京理工爆炸科學與技術國家重點實驗室開放課題,
2013.01-2014.12 ,參與,結題。
[1] Fen Li , Jiayou Tao, Zhijun Zou, Chang Li, Zhaohui Hou, Jijun Zhao,
Aminomethyl-Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes as a Host of Small Sulfur
Clusters for High-Performance Lithium-Sulfur Batteries, ChemSusChem 13 (2020)
[2] Fen Li , Jijun Zhao, Three Dimensional Porous SiC for Lithium
Polysulfides Trapping, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 20 (2018) 4005.
[3] Fen Li , Jijun Zhao, Atomic sulfur anchored on silicene, phosphorene and
borophene for excellent cycle performance of Li-S batteries, ACS Appl. Mater.
Interfaces. 9 (2017) 42836.
[4] Fen Li , Yan, Su, Jijun Zhao, Shuttle inhibition by chemical adsorption of
lithium polysulfides in B and N co-doped graphene for Li-S battery, Phys. Chem.
Chem. Phys. 18 (2016) 25241.
[5] Fen Li, Xue Jiang, Jijun Zhao, Shengbai Zhang, Graphene Oxide: A
Promising Nanomaterial for Energy and Environmental Applications, Nano
Energy 16 (2015) 488.
[6] Fen Li , Junfeng Gao, Jian Zhang, Fen Xu, JijunZhao, Lixian Sun,
Graphene oxide and lithium amidoborane: a new way to bridge chemical and
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[7] Fen Li , Lixian Sun, Jijun Zhao, Fen Xu, Huaiying Zhou, Qingming
Zhang, Fenglei Huang, Mechanisms of H2 generation for metal doped Al16M (M=Mg and Bi) clusters in water Int J Hydrogen Energy 38 (2013) 6930.
[8] Fen Li , Jijun Zhao, Lixian Sun, Substitution effects on the hydrogen
storage behavior of AB2 alloys by first principles, Frontiers of Physics, 6 (2011)
[9] Fen Li , Jijun Zhao, Zhongfang Chen, Hydrogen Storage Behavior of
One-dimensional TiBx Chains, Nanotechnology, 21 (2010) 134006.
Fen Li , Jijun Zhao, Börje Johansson, Lixian Sun, Improving
hydrogen storage properties of covalent organic frameworks by substitutional
doping, Int J Hydrogen Energy 35 (2010) 266.
Fen Li , Jijun Zhao, Dongxu Tian, Hualei Zhang, Xuezhi Ke, Börje
Johansson, Hydrogen storage behavior in C15 Laves phase compound TiCr2 by
first principles, J Appl Phys 105 (2009) 043707.
Fen Li , Jijun Zhao, Zhongfang Chen, Carbon Based Nanomaterials
for H2 Storage, Book chapter in Carbon Nanomaterials for Advanced Energy
Systems, published by Wiley, 2015.
Jijun Zhao, Lizhao Liu, Fen Li , Graphene Oxide Physics and
Applications, Book, published by Springer, 2015.
Xiaoliang Si, Fen Li , Li-Xian Sun, Fen Xu, Shu-Sheng Liu, et al. Metals
(Ni, Fe)-incorporated titanate nanotubes induced destabilization of LiBH 4 . J Phys
Chem C , 115 (2011) 9780.
Chengli, Jiao, Fen Li , Jian Zhang, Zhangpeng Li, Shuang Wang,
Zhonggang Wang, et al. Syntheses, structures and chemical sensing properties of three
complexes with mixed ligands of carboxylate and bipyridine Dalton Trans 42 (2013)
Xiaoliang Si, Jian Zhang, Fen Li , Chengli Jiao, Shuang Wang, et
al. Adjustable structure transition and improved gases (H2, CO2) adsorption property
of metal–organic framework MIL-53 by encapsulation of BNHx, Dalton Trans 41
(2012) 3119.
Xiaoliang Si, Chengli Jiao, Fen Li , Jian Zhang, Shuang Wang, et
al. High and selective CO 2 uptake, H 2 storage and methanol sensing on the
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Jian Zhang, Lixian Sun, Fen Xu, Fen Li , Huaiying Zhou, Yingliang Liu,
et al. H 2 storage and CO 2 capture on a nanoscale metal organic framework with high
thermal stability Chem Comm, 48 (2012) 759.
Lifang Song, Jian Zhang, Lixian Sun, Fen Xu, Fen Li , Huanzhi Zhang,
et al. Mesoporous metal–organic frameworks: design and applications, Energy
Environ Sci 5 (2012) 7508.
Shuang Liu, Lixian Sun, Fen Xu, Jian Zhang, Chengli Jiao, Fen Li , et al.
Nanosized Cu-MOFs induced by graphene oxide and enhanced gas storage capacity
Energy Environ Sci 6 (2013) 818.
Jijun Zhao, Lizhao Liu, Fen Li , Graphene Oxide Physics and
Applications, 專著 , Springer 出版社, 2015.
Fen Li , Jijun Zhao, Zhongfang Chen, Carbon Based Nanomaterials for
H2 Storage, Book chapter in Carbon Nanomaterials for Advanced Energy Systems,
DOI:10.1002/9781118980989 ,專著, Wiley 出版社, 2015.

上一頁:闵 力(博士)

